Margaret Street construction work to begin April 17 您所在的位置:网站首页 construction took 17 years Margaret Street construction work to begin April 17

Margaret Street construction work to begin April 17

#Margaret Street construction work to begin April 17| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


The City of Plattsburgh annoucing they plan to start construction on Margaret Street on Monday, April 17.

Last month, the Common Council passed a resolution, 5-1, on the capital budget for the project. It's estimated to cost around $12.1 million. Despite approval, some lawmakers had raised concerns over the price of the project.


The Margaret Street Project aims to fix aging water infrastructure. It will also include improvements that make the surrounding areas more pedestrian-friendly, suitable for outdoor dining, and better for bikers.

Once construction begins, city officials say that the project will cause some travel impacts in the area.

“Residents, visitors, and businesses should be aware that construction at this level is going to take significant coordination and communication," said Mayor Christopher Rosenquest in a press release, "As we said from the beginning, this is one of the biggest and most important infrastructure investment projects the city of Plattsburgh has seen in quite some time; it’s going to cause disruptions...”

The city is asking everyone to follow the directions from flagging personnel, as well as instructions posted on signs, message boards and detours.

All of the downtown parking lots in downtown Plattsburgh and on-street parking around sections of Margaret, Brinkerhoff, and Court streets will still be available. But, there may be some closures near the active construction sites.

Officials also say the section of Margaret Street between Broad Street and Cornelia Street will be temporarily made one-way for all traffic. This will also vary by the time of day.

They also do not expect for there to be any impact on accessing buildings or businesses in the area during construction.

Officials hope to complete the project by the end of 2023.

City staff and the project team say they are scheduling public outreach meetings to connect with those who will be immediately impacted by the construction.






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